Intuitive Guide & Energy Psychic
Clarity Sessions
Get answers and support to take your next step.

Let's clear things up.
You know you know things, but when your inner guidance feels a bit unclear you can spend a lot of time trying to figure things out. And self-doubt can pull you into a cycle of over-analyzing instead of acting.
The truth is, some choices are harder to make than others, but it’s easier when you have some support and guidance to help you.
When you’re clear about your choices, you can take your next steps and that frees up your time, energy, and resources.
You don’t have to try harder, do more, or fix yourself. You actually can’t do your life wrong, but a bit of clarity can help you create change that supports you.

The Work
I offer the kind of sessions that I’d want to receive; guidance that provides clarity and affirms your own knowing, useful insight that shines a light on whatever your truth is right now, and energetic support that helps you feel more centered and peaceful.
Ultimately, my work is to assist you for where you are right now and also help you trust your ability to connect with your Spirit Team and be your own daily guide.
Whether you need clarity for your next steps or answers for what’s happening in the way-out woo-woo-sphere, I’m here for whenever you need clear guidance and extra support.

Welcome to the Clarity Sessions
I offer three types of sessions for guidance and support from your Spirit Team to help you take your next steps.

Featured Posts
Energy Work and Healing Transmission
This transmission is not limited to physical healing. You may place your focus on any aspect of yourself that you would like support for. The intention is to provide a relaxing experience of receiving support from your Spirit Team so you have more ease in your body, mind, and spirit.Read more
Not knowing is sometimes the best knowing.
And sometimes, you may think and deeply KNOW something is “true” for you, and you lean into it only to find that it was an invitation to connect you to something else that you wouldn’t have seen or thought of. It was a way to get you in the position to be able to take the next step.Read more
Personal Journal Share
I'm taking a risk to share a personal journal entry because it's a good example of my daily practice and what it can look like when you create a conversation with your Higher Self. It's also about how to allow yourself to change.Read more