Breathe, Connect, Transform: Simple Wisdom from the Spirit Team

This channeled message from the Spirit Team was shared several months ago in a newsletter. It’s the simplest wisdom and practice that can be tapped into at anytime.

The punctuation and structure the Spirit Team uses is part of an energy transmission packet. 🤷🏻‍♀️

“We are here.
We invite you to take a breath.

Some of you may roll your eyes at such a simple statement,
but we would say that many of you are walking around hardly taking a deep breath at all.

This simple “take a breath” has become a cliche’ because it is a repetition of a “truth”.

Your breath, especially an “intentional” breath,
is all you ever need to re-center yourself
and become aware of that inner-connection where
you receive guidance more clearly.

Want to get “fancy” about it?
Take a breath with your hand on your heart
and notice the air as it flows in and out of you.

And just like that –
Here you are.
Here we are.

You can do clearings, healings, and “all the things”
with great earnestness,
and these may all help to move the energy,
but you already have everything you need;
your intentions and your breath.
No assembly required.

So why are we focusing on your breath?
Because the spin-cycle between your brain and emotions creates an energetic circuit
that transmits thought forms that add to the “collective energy”.
When the spin-cycle is transmitting fear, anxiety, and anger, that’s what is amplified.
It becomes the air you breathe.

Your intentional deep breathing slows that spin cycle and not only changes
your frequency and vibration, but what you emanate to the “collective”.

This is not a bypass of processing your thoughts and emotions.
This is to create space and a pause in the feedback loop that amplifies that energy.
In that space, you’re able to process and use the energy of those thoughts and emotions
towards creating beneficial actions and resolutions.

Our “prescriptive” invitation is to keep it simple.
Don’t burden the breath or your thoughts with trying “too hard” to do it “right”.
Just breathe. Intentional, deep breaths when you can.

We are here.
We are complete.”


Note: This was originally from my newsletter which I edited into this post. Sign-up for my newsletter to get perks, updates, and helpful insights through my irreverent personal stories that I don’t usually share anywhere else. Get instant access to a downloadable pdf and mp3s for an Intuition Attunement and Energy Clearing.