More About the Sessions

You’re an active participant in your session because you provide the focus and direction. To start, we’ll quickly create a protected clear-energy zone and then call on our Higher Selves to lead and direct the session. The Spirit Team is invited for energetic support and guidance to come through during the conversation.

Every session is different. Sometimes, your Spirit Team may want to deliver a message before we even have a chance to start our conversation. Mostly, your Spirit Team will provide guidance and energetic support as we discuss what you’d like more clarity on.

I usually don’t have time to describe the energy work that happens during a session unless your Spirit Team brings it up. When they do want me to call it out, it’s usually to provide you with a better understanding of the energetic constructs of the topic and the specific clearing, activations, and transmissions that will support you.

And there’s always an activation (even if we don’t discuss it) that’s intended to help you create a stronger and clearer connection to your own inner-knowing. You may also receive a few words or easy practices that will help you keep yourself clear and continue to strengthen and trust your intuition.

Can’t decide what type of session to choose? Don’t worry. Just choose one and know that all sessions are a bit of Psychic Potpourri because you’ll always receive what’s most supportive based on your questions and our conversation.