Discover the next best step for you.

Clarity Sessions
Clarity Sessions connect you to your best source of guidance, YOU.
These sessions are a powerful way to work with your Spirit Team and guides to receive messages and psychic insight, reconnect to your intuition, and activate your own healing.
You can use the time to get answers about a specific topic and receive supportive energy work for clearing and healing. It’s a transformative experience that moves you out of confusion and into clarity.
The Work
I work with you and your Spirit Team to provide intuitive guidance, psychic insight, and energy work. You’ll receive clarity for your next steps while your Spirit Team energetically connects with you to activate your intuition and healing.
A clearer connection with your intuition lets you know whether you’re taking on emotions, energy, or thoughts that aren’t your own and you’ll find it becomes easier to release negative self-talk, fear reactions, family and social conditioning, and mass-media influence.
As you begin to trust and follow your intuition, your choices start moving you out of draining behaviors, beliefs, and relationships.
Following your intuition is a practice of self-empowerment. After your session, you can continue to tune-in and call on your guides anytime for support to help you move forward.
Some benefits of following your intuition
- Increased Inspiration and Creativity
- Make Self-Supportive Choices Sooner
- Gain Clarity, Insight, and Trust in Your Self
- Feel more Peaceful and Calmer
- Free up Time, Energy, and Resources
Psychic Potpourri Clarity Sessions
Sometimes when you’re engaged in psychic and esoteric practices, you can sense blocks or interferences that you aren’t able to decipher or clear. As you know, things can get pretty “out-there”, but you can talk with me about anything. I’ll help you work with your Spirit Team to bring guidance, clearing, and clarity.
These sessions can also help improve your intuitive connection and psychic perceptions.
The Work
As a psychic and energy channel, I can discuss and address the “technical” aspects of the way-out-there things you see or are experiencing. (If you know, you know.) I’ll work with you and your Spirit Team to provide psychic insight and guidance as well as identify and help resolve multidimensional issues.
Since these sessions are directed through your Higher Self, these sessions may look a lot like a “regular” Clarity Session, but your guides may describe some of the components affecting you like past lives, energy and boundary leaks, epigenetics, etc. to help provide perspective. They often describe how they are working within your body and energy field to adjust and support you during and after the session.
The more esoteric, metaphysical, or way-out-there your topic, the more the Spirit Team will speak in those terms to provide perspectives and guidance.
These sessions can provide a supportive boost when you’re feeling stuck because the energy work clears blocks, opens channels, and helps you connect more deeply to your own inner-guidance and Spirit Team.
Along with clarity for next steps, the guidance will often include specific practices to help you strengthen your intuition and psychic abilities as well as help you easily maintain your own energy field without fear or defensiveness.
Email me if you have a question or concern that you want to run by me before booking a session. I’ll let you know whether this type of session may be supportive. (Ex. I’ll work with your Spirit Team to identify non-beneficial energies and help clear you or a space, but I’m not going to do any exorcisms. 😉)
Off-line Mini Clarity Sessions
Whether you need a quick check-in to clarify and recalibrate, or you’re tapped out and could use a nourishing cosmic hug to support you, these sessions are a great way to receive a bit of helpful guidance and/or clearing and healing activations from your Spirit Team.
You can ask a question, or instead, request that your Spirit Team provide you with whatever will best support you right now. Please focus the purpose of your request on YOU.
Additionally, you can request a quick look into the energy dynamics of a situation and receive space clearing or other energetic multidimensional support.
An off-line session is done without meeting together on an appointment call. Once I receive your request, I’ll set a time within 48-hours to connect with your Higher Self and Spirit Team.
Each mini session is approximately 10-15 minutes. Once completed, I’ll email you a link to download your recorded session.
More about the Clarity Sessions
More About the Sessions
You’re an active participant in your session because you provide the focus and direction. To start, we’ll quickly create a protected clear-energy zone and then call on our Higher Selves to lead and direct the session. The Spirit Team is invited for energetic support and guidance to come through during the conversation.
Every session is different. Sometimes, your Spirit Team may want to deliver a message before we even have a chance to start our conversation. Mostly, your Spirit Team will provide guidance and energetic support as we discuss what you’d like more clarity on.
I usually don’t have time to describe the energy work that happens during a session unless your Spirit Team brings it up. When they do want me to call it out, it’s usually to provide you with a better understanding of the energetic constructs of the topic and the specific clearing, activations, and transmissions that will support you.
And there’s always an activation (even if we don’t discuss it) that’s intended to help you create a stronger and clearer connection to your own inner-knowing. You may also receive a few words or easy practices that will help you keep yourself clear and continue to strengthen and trust your intuition.
Can’t decide what type of session to choose? Don’t worry. Just choose one and know that all sessions are a bit of Psychic Potpourri because you’ll always receive what’s most supportive based on your questions and our conversation.
Energy Work
Your Spirit Team works to clear blocks and activate your intuition and healing energy throughout the session. There’s also a multidimensional component that comes through between or around the words and guidance given. This component can be the strongest energetic transmission of a session, and it sometimes creates a slower or faster cadence in my ability to speak.
The energy work integration continues after the session and can be felt most strongly for 24-48 hours afterward. Drink plenty of water to help the integration process. It’s also a great time to reinforce the connection with your Spirit Team and your guides, so call on them to help you take action.
All energy work is supportive, and you always have your own authority to receive any energy work or not. Because I act as a channel of healing and connection with you and your Spirit Team, a session with me is inherently also a transmission of energy work.
During the Session, you may feel different sensations, emotional releases, or nothing at all. Most people are aware of the energy movements in some way. Some experience it as a focused energy at a point in the body, or tingling or popping sensations, temperature changes, or like waves. Many people describe a weight of anxiety or sadness leaving their body and they become grounded and feel more present and calmer.
What’s a Spirit Team
I use the inclusive term “Spirit Team” because there are several types of benevolent beings that show up depending on what’s happening in a session. We call on all those who would be present in unconditional love and support which includes our guides, healers, teachers, ancestors, archangels, and any helpers and light-being specialists.
When I’m connecting with your Spirit Team members, they’re usually amorphous energies and don’t take on body images, names, or identities unless it’s necessary to provide context for the guidance and energy work. Sometimes planets will show up and just announce themselves when they want to point out something that’s part of a cycle or to give context to a time period.
My experience is that the Spirit Team members don’t have a personal need to be identified but will take on attributes when it’ll help you connect to receive guidance and support. So there are times in a session where I may mention visions I see, bodily feelings I sense, and types of guides, angels, teachers, healers, light-beings, planets, or even loved ones, and attribute their guidance to them in that form.
That’s my experience and it may be that I’ve come up with it in order to organize and not be overwhelmed by all the available members in the spirit realm. I prefer to set up a safe session container (no riff-raff zone) and then receive the guidance from the Spirit Team more like an orb of energy. It’s the same way I interact with them outside of sessions. I call on them and ask for the help, support, or guidance I need from the specialists on the Team and I thank them collectively. “Thanks Team!”
Session Recording
Note: Any session recordings whether provided by me or recorded on your own device, are for personal use only and you agree to not share or distribute them in any form.
I offer to record your session so you can be fully present and not distracted by taking notes. Recordings contain the same energy that was present during the session and may build on subsequent listens. You may want to listen to the session again to help with the integration and to review the guidance provided.
Should it ever happen that there’s a failure with a recording, trust that you received what you needed during the session and listening to it again isn’t necessary. That said, you’re welcome to take notes and record on your own device to ensure you get what you need.
Only audio recordings will be provided and the link to download them will be active for 30 days after your session where they will then be deleted from all sources. All video generated from Zoom sessions is deleted immediately once the audio recording is sent to you.
Email Communication
Any content or discussions provided in emails are for personal use only and you agree to not share or distribute them in any form.
Cancellation / Reschedule / Refund Policy
- Cancellation: You will receive a full refund, minus a $10 transaction fee, provided you give me 24 hours notice in advance of your scheduled appointment time.
- Reschedule: You may reschedule provided you give me 24 hours notice in advance of your scheduled appointment time.
- No-show: Your appointment will not be rescheduled or refunded if you are a no-show. If you are 10 minutes late, you are considered a no-show.
- Sessions are Final: No refunds are given after a session has been completed.
Note: If I need to cancel an appointment, I’ll provide you with as much notice as possible. You’ll be entitled to a complete refund, or you may reschedule your appointment.
Terms of Use
Appointments with Angela do not replace or intend to replace professional advice or consult. Angela is not a medical or mental health care professional. Please consult a professional accordingly for any health or legal changes you make. You assume all liability, responsibility, and risk for any changes made after a session.
You are your own authority and what Angela shares with you in any format may be used or not, at your discretion.
Please see the full Terms of Use