Not knowing is sometimes the best knowing.
August 20, 2024And sometimes, you may think and deeply KNOW something is “true” for you, and you lean into it only to find…Personal Journal Share
June 9, 2024I'm taking a risk to share a personal journal entry because it's a good example of my daily practice and…Accessing the Akashic Pool
May 3, 2024Our Higher Self / Spirit accesses this Akashic Pool while we sleep to retrieve specific "data" that supports our soul…How to see and improve your Intuition
March 4, 2024You don’t have to constantly look at everything and turn it into a potential message. I mean, our whole life…How guidable are you?
September 13, 2023Guidance is always available and coming in, but if you aren't open to receive it, you'll miss the subtle invitations…Gateway to Connect with Your Spirit Team
July 15, 2023Los Angeles was a burgeoning hot spot of new-age spiritualism when I moved there in the mid-1980’s. I had no…Recalibrate and Connect to Your Intuition
May 23, 2023When we continually override our intuition, we waste a lot of time, resources, and our inner-peace trying to figure things…Astrology Transits or Pre-Life Soul Plan?
May 4, 2023Life is a synergistic mix of complex interactions. How any astrological transit may influence you mostly depends on your own…The “Truth” about Manifestation
July 29, 2022The rhetoric of popular manifestation trends is based on the premise that if you set your intentions and do the…How to Channel Written Guidance
March 12, 2018One of the best ways I get guidance is to have a Spirit Team meeting. I call in the specialist…Drawing a Blank – Angel Card
December 4, 2016When I'm struggling to get clarity on a situation, I draw a card and use that word as a starting…