Resources for Strengthening Your Intuition and Creating Clarity

Breathe, Connect, Transform: Simple Wisdom from the Spirit Team
A channeled message from the Spirit Team: Learn why and how a single breath can help you disconnect from the “collective spin-cycle” of fear and anxiety and instantly reconnect with your inner-guidance to gain peace and clarity.Read more
Energy Work and Healing Transmission
This transmission is not limited to physical healing. You may place your focus on any aspect of yourself that you would like support for. The intention is to provide a relaxing experience of receiving support from your Spirit Team so you have more ease in your body, mind, and spirit.Read more
Not knowing is sometimes the best knowing.
And sometimes, you may think and deeply KNOW something is “true” for you, and you lean into it only to find that it was an invitation to connect you to something else that you wouldn’t have seen or thought of. It was a way to get you in the position to be able to take the next step.Read more
Personal Journal Share
I'm taking a risk to share a personal journal entry because it's a good example of my daily practice and what it can look like when you create a conversation with your Higher Self. It's also about how to allow yourself to change.Read more
Accessing the Akashic Pool
Our Higher Self / Spirit accesses this Akashic Pool while we sleep to retrieve specific "data" that supports our soul plan. We also receive what we need for our free will interests and choices. It's kind of like getting an update to our data base and operating system based on the trajectory of our path and choices.Read more
How to see and improve your Intuition
You don’t have to constantly look at everything and turn it into a potential message. I mean, our whole life is a constant stream of incoming information and interesting things to look at, but when we hone our intuition, we know what to pay attention to and how to use that information as guidance.Read more
How guidable are you?
Guidance is always available and coming in, but if you aren't open to receive it, you'll miss the subtle invitations of your guides and intuition. Maybe you're receiving signs, but you keep asking for a sign-ier sign. ❗️👀 Or, when you do get a message but you ignore it for a long time, the guidance starts to feel like a sledgehammer to get your attention. I've done this approach. Not fun. 0/10 - would not recommend.Read more
Gateway to Connect with Your Spirit Team
Los Angeles was a burgeoning hot spot of new-age spiritualism when I moved there in the mid-1980’s. I had no idea something seemingly ridiculous to my scientific training would be the introduction to my Spirit Team. I share an easy way to start working with a helper guide to receive assistance and develop your connection with your Spirit Team.Read more
Recalibrate and Connect to Your Intuition
When we continually override our intuition, we waste a lot of time, resources, and our inner-peace trying to figure things out but never actually addressing the inner-guidance. When we connect with and follow our intuition, we improve our ability to be guided by our Higher Self and can make self-supportive choices more quickly.Read more
Astrology Transits or Pre-Life Soul Plan?
Life is a synergistic mix of complex interactions. How any astrological transit may influence you mostly depends on your own natal chart, your choices up to now, and your pre-life soul plan. We get a lot of free will choice and opportunities to "choose your own adventure" in the reincarnation process, and plenty of Spirit Team support to help us.Read more
The “Truth” about Manifestation
The rhetoric of popular manifestation trends is based on the premise that if you set your intentions and do the all the right rituals, alignments, and quantum-whatever, that you'll eventually get or create what you desire. The problem with that is, that if you don't get what you want, then you think you must not have high-vibed yourself enough or you did something wrong. – Let’s stop that.Read more
How to Channel Written Guidance
One of the best ways I get guidance is to have a Spirit Team meeting. I call in the specialist guides that are signed up to support me in a certain area of life and I do a channeled writing Q & A session.Read more
Drawing a Blank – Angel Card
When I'm struggling to get clarity on a situation, I draw a card and use that word as a starting point. Many people don't like drawing the blank card. It can be interpreted as guidance to be open to whatever word or thought that percolates or pops up. Sometimes I take it as "permission" to get out of my head for awhile.Read more